So, this is how the story goes from the beginning of my EVS experience.
In two words, EVS (European Voluntary Service) is a part of Youth in Action program that allows young people to live in a different country for some period, either less than a month or up to a year. There they both work on a project and learn – languages, cultures. The projects are in many spheres – social, environmental, cultural, etc. There is a link for the full information. Later I will probably come back to it and say more…
I was ready to make my voluntary service for years, as I decided to get first my Bachelor degree in Sofia University (in Archaeology). As soon as that happened I already had the positive answer from an organization in Spain – OMIX Ribadavia. When I was searching for a project the main things I had in mind were: first, the topic of the project, which I wanted to be in the Art and culture sphere (youth organizations, non-formal education, art events, this kind of thing); and second – the place, which I really wanted to be in Portugal or Spain. So, as I was approved for another project which failed, in the same day I found the one in a really small town in Galicia, Spain, close to the ocean and the border with Portugal. I applied and one happy shiny summer day, while I was on the beach, I had a call for telling me I was approved. Ever since everything just showed this will be my project for sure.And still I didn’t know so much about the place I am going to. And I did't want to have any expectations.

Now, some days since I am here, I can already share how it feels to be a volunteer in Ribavadia…
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